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How To Become A Good E-Book Writer?

Posted by Hendra Deni Afriliya Wednesday, December 28, 2011 0 comments

Before building a career in the area of e-book writing, you have to understand what is referred to as an e-book and what an e-book writer does. E-book is stored in digital format and unlike the usual paper. It is also known as electronic book. The text of any e-book is known as e-text. Features.

Nowadays the usage of e-books have increased many fold. In comparison with conventional books in the case of storage space, e-books need lesser space. If you have a kindle or a laptop, you can carry and read as many e-books as you want to (it depends on the storage space of your e-book reader and size of e-books), anywhere and at anytime. The case is not the same for paper books. Paper books need lots of space and carrying several books is not possible because of their weight.

If you want to save the nature, switch to e-books. If you begin reading e-books, the production of paper books will come down and that will help in reducing the cutting down of trees. You can write e-books on any theme, which are used in writing conventional books also. Fiction, research papers, autobiographies and reference books are a few of the categories. It is also possible to convert paper books to e-books, so that its easy to preserve them. Another good aspect of e-books is that there is no need to print them again and again.

Freelance Writing.

Part-time writing is a good alternative, if you are interested in writing. Whichever topic you choose for writing, through freelance writing option, you can earn a sufficient amount of income, at the same display your creativity on any theme you wish to. An e-book writer, just like any other writer, have to understand his.

If you do not plan to write on a fictional theme and are confused about the theme, do a search online or ask people on what subject interests them. Think on which topic, you will be able to organize your ideas with more ease and clarity. You can also begin writing short stories or short paragraphs before starting with the book.

The Style of Writing.

The language you must use as an e-book writer must be of personal and informal style, otherwise viewers might not read it. Plenty of alternatives available online might make it easy for the readers to search for another article. So as an e-book writer, you need to employ an informal style, as web users might not wish to read serious text. You should include chapters with proper headings with readable line spacing. Let your creativity be known to all through e-book writing, which can also help you earn a good sum.

We Should Learn to Start Again

Posted by Hendra Deni Afriliya Saturday, December 24, 2011 0 comments

I like to see celebrity biography when I was a child, once I saw the experience of Edison in his lifetime, I cannot forget it.

Like later in his life, his lab accidently caught fire, and everything instantly came to naught. This is all the efforts of his life, including those important experimental data and information. You can imagine a person who considered science as life when he suddenly lost everything, how painful he would be. Although the old man was very sad, he was not discouraged, and re-established his laboratory. Even the wife usually supported him tried to persuade him, his age is so big, do not spend so much energy building it. But Edison did not listen to the advice, and said that he would start again. So the old man firmly began to build up his laboratory, in order to make a very great scientific and human contribution. Of course, the new laboratory was established not after a very long time. Although the valuable information was destroyed, those experiences were in the experimenter’s mind. So Edison could set up as soon as possible.

From this story I often think: a person's life cannot always be smooth, and when life reaches a certain height, or have made some achievements, if you encounter some unexpected natural disasters or man-made things, you would lose the so-called glory and success. Many people would be sad, many people would recover from this, and immersed in the pain all day.

However, some people encounter this situation will be very sad, but they understand that bring down their body, which is helpless. So they choose to come out and start again as soon as possible from the kind of bad mood, with a more mature attitude to face all, to create their cause with their heart, and their own future. This is also because of their experience, contacts still in, so after they make efforts for a period of time, everything will go back to the past. I think at this moment they will cherish what they got.

So I think life is just like so. It is said to be "smooth sailing", which is just a blessing of the language. In practice this possibility is small. So when we are facing with setbacks and pressure, our hearts cannot be thrown in the towel first, we all know everything is done according to the situation, but we should make efforts to fight. Whatever the result is, we all have started again and have tried.

How To Get the Most Out of Your Speaker Investment

Posted by Hendra Deni Afriliya Thursday, December 15, 2011 1 comments

In a perfect world, you would have an unlimited budget to hire top speakers for your next meeting or convention. Since it's not, here are some tips on getting the most for your meeting dollar. Let me tell you about a project I worked on with the American Payroll Association that could be a model for you -- or at least expand your thinking about ways to use speakers.

APA's Executive Director/CEO, Dan Maddux had a week of speaking and seminar slots to fill. Instead of assigning each slot to a different speaker, Dan chose to maximize the contribution of a few top people, using three of them in three different ways. That's how Dan made 1 + 1 + 1 = 9. Three speakers used three ways equals nine slots filled. Here's how such a move can save your organization and money and let you "trade up" to speakers you otherwise couldn't afford.

Save on Hotels and Airfare

Cutting the number of speakers might or might not reduce the total nights lodging needed, depending on your schedule. However, you'll definitely save on transportation -- for instance, three round-trips versus nine.

Speakers May Reduce Fee

I can't promise you that all speakers will do extra presentations for the same rates -- they won't. But the speaker you hired last year might have been more flexible if you had only thought to ask, "After your keynote, could you do a breakout session?" Or," Could you emcee?" "Could you moderate a panel?" Even, "Our chairman is a bit nervous. Could you coach him on speaking?"

Speakers may give you a better price for three consecutive days at one hotel, rather than three separate dates months apart.

For example, for the Florida Realtors Association, I asked, "After my luncheon speech, would you like me to do a seminar on speaking skills?" They said, "Well, the agenda is already slotted in, but we'd love it if you would emcee our Top Producers' panel, the first breakout session after lunch."

For the California Interment Association, I was scheduled to present a two-hour seminar after lunch. I said, "What else is going on? Would you like to me to do a spouse program?" They said, "We've never had one, but we've invited spouses for a breakfast get-together." I added a 45-minute program that same morning. The only difference to me was that I had to go to the hotel a few hours earlier. Like most speakers, I want my clients to know I am there to serve them, not to pick up my speaking fee and run.

It's Easier to Get Sponsors

Trading up to big-name (or bigger-name) speakers makes it easier for you to get sponsors. Whenever people say, "We can't afford you," I always ask, "Do you have sponsors to help pay for your event?"

Who would sponsor your event? Consider approaching the exhibitors at your conventions, or whoever sells to your members or who wants good PR with the people in the audience. List these "angels" prominently in the program. I always make a point of giving sponsors a good plug in my presentations. For example, after my opening story for the American Cemetery Association, I quoted the founder of my corporate sponsor, Service Corporation International. Then I gave examples to reinforce my points by reading from their newsletters, and my walk away line incorporated their name. I always let sponsor know, "Don't worry, they won't have any doubt who paid for me," and make a joke about it in my speech.

Three Invaluable Bonuses

Having speakers on hand throughout your event gives you far greater flexibility in scheduling. Continuity can establish a powerful connection between audience and speaker, getting your message across in a way that a wide variety of speakers couldn't. Dan Maddux says, "We found that when we triple-booked those speakers, they become even more popular, really getting to know our people who always want them to stay around longer." Continuity, during an event or from year to year, means your speakers are able to notice and volunteer to help your organization in special ways you may not have thought of.

How It Works

Recently, 1,674 members of the American Payroll Association attended its Sixteenth Annual Congress in Nashville. Dan chose as keynote speakers Art Linkletter, Susan RoAne, Willy Jolley, Al Walker, and me, Patricia Fripp. He had little trouble getting sponsorship to help pay for these keynoters because of the success of his past conferences.

The Congress was scheduled to start on a Monday. Dan came up with the idea of offering an extra pre-Congress program on Sunday, "For Women Only." This isn't as sexist as it may sound because seventy-five percent of APA's membership is women. Dan figured that many could take advantage of cheaper Saturday night airline tickets, saving their company's money, so they might be open to an extra day of education and fun.

He called this extra program "Women on the Ladder to Success: Career Strategies for the Millennium," and used six presenters. Three were from within the Association and industry, including the current president. Three were professional speakers who were also scheduled to speak during the main Congress. Each of the professionals gave two talks at this separate Sunday session. I did "Women in the Workplace, the Evolution of Career women" and "Are You a Wonder Woman or Superman in Payroll?" (In a custom-made Wonder Woman costume I had made 20 years ago. The fact I can still wear it deserves applause!) Susan RoAne spoke on "Taking Charge of Your Accomplishments" and "Women Who Make Things Happen: Traits of the Savvy and Successful." Diane Parente's programs were "Your Passport to Image Credibility" and "Looking Your Professional Best Without Spending a Fortune."

Then, at the kick-off Monday session for the full membership, Susan was the keynote speaker with "Schmooze or Loose: How to Gain the Verbal Edge." She also presented a program for the vendors, "How to Make the Most of the Trade Show." Diane Parente delivered a breakout session on "Image, a Powerful Tool," and gave Dan's Board of Directors one-on-one consultation as a bonus. (17 in all.) I delivered the Congress's keynote speech, "Insights into Excellence," presented a marketing seminar for the vendors, "How to Nurture Relationships Once You Leave the Trade Show," and, as a break-out, conducted a workshop on "How to Sell Yourself and Your Ideas."

Having booked the Sunday before the conference, Maddux thought of a way to use his talent pool for a Speakers' School on Saturday. Last year this program had been a success, but with a smaller audience of their speakers who talk on tax law changes, it had not justified a hiring a keynote caliber presenter to teach it.

As I was already going to be there for several days I was excited at the prospect. I suggested we invite his association members scheduled to give programs during the congress. He also invite the APA leadership from the State chapters who have to speak at their meetings and get no formal public speaking training. As far as I am concerned the more the merrier. I charge the same whether my audience is five or 5,000. After the session I helped the President and Woman of the Year totally rewrite their talks. They have now requested I train them at least 3 months before next yearís convention.

Synergy Makes Good Sense

Dan says "Using proven professionals in several slots so they develop a rapport with the audience is a better investment than bringing in a different speaker for each slot. In our case, two of the speakers, Diane and Patricia, had been so successful as keynoters the previous year that the audience was looking forward to seeing them again. This gave us the advantage of repeat role models, because our presidents turn over every year. The added fact that Patricia, Diane, and Susan had worked together before, and are best friends, gave us even more bang for our buck. We could never have put a dollar value on that kind of synergy.

"I need my speakers to deliver a message and be powerful role models. Patricia, Diane, and Susan are all self-made women over fifty, looking good, feeling good, and they've built their careers themselves. This is an important message for our Association audience."

More Bang for Your Buck

Dan Maddux was able to negotiate with his speakers for a lot of extras. Many professionals figure that, as long as they are there anyway and being well paid, their time belongs to the client. Therefore, they are happy to take on extra tasks.

The next time you are planning to hire a speaker, consider using him or her in multiple ways. It doesn't hurt to ask if the speaker would be willing to:

Deliver one or two "breakout sessions" or a spouse program along with the keynote at the same half-day fee.

Introduce other speakers.

Emcee the event that they are part of.

Help association Presidents of Board of Directors with their own presentations, either in advance or while the speaker is there.

Say a prayer at a meal.

Moderate a panel.

Sign autographs.

Appear in the sponsor's booth to make their sponsorship more of an investment.

Like most of my comrades in The National Speakers Association, I want to be memorable and to give full value for your meeting dollars. For the Hamilton Bank in Philadelphia, I even leaped out of a spaceship, wearing a Wonder Woman costume. (Getting into the spaceship was a little more complicated, but that's another story.)

Two Greatest Assets in Life Are Talents and Time

Posted by Hendra Deni Afriliya Wednesday, December 7, 2011 0 comments

There are two greatest assets in person’s life: your talent and your life. But the more talents you own, the less time you will have, so we can say that our life is the time in exchange for talent. If the passed days, our time is less, but talent does not increase, it is a waste of time. How can we use time efficiently? I have a few suggestions below:

Do the things that you are really interested in and be consistent with your goals. I find my "productivity" and my "interest" has a direct relationship, but this relationship is not a simple linear one. If I face the things which I am not interested in, I might spend 40 % of the time, but I can only produce 20 % of the results; if I encounter something I am interested in, I might spend 100 % of the time and get 200 % of the effect. To work hard at work, good health is important, but the real key is to change your psychological state rather than physical problems. When you really fall into your work, what you need is an attitude, a desire, and a will.

Next, you should know how to spend your time. Then pick a week, record what you do every 30 minutes a day, and do a classification and statistics to see in what aspects you spend too much time. If you want to make progress, you must first understand the recent status. After the end of the day, write down what you have done a day, and 15 minutes as a unit. Then make analysis after a week to see how the week’s time can be arranged more efficiently. And there are no activities accounted for much of proportion? Is there a way to increase efficiency?

Use time pieces and "dead time". If you have time to do the above statistics, you will find a lot of time to be lost every day, for example, waiting for the bus, queuing, walking, riding, etc., which can be used to recite words, make phone calls, and review homework and so on.

Do the big events firstly; that is, early in the morning you can pick the three most important things, and be able to finish them in the daytime.

You can try these methods that will help you save much time, and promote your talent.

Tory is sitting in a commodious room full of sunshine and writing what he has experienced in online mmo games. Tory has worked in a game company for nearly two year and he is sure to provide you the best articles

Art Shows

Posted by Hendra Deni Afriliya Monday, December 5, 2011 0 comments

Clear designers are consistently in demand, and alike bodies after a academic clear architecture accomplishments can get gigs if they accept a acceptable portfolio to appearance off. Succeeding as a accomplished artist, on the added hand, is acutely difficult. There is a lot of money in the art world, but best of it alone goes to a few bodies – those who accept been best up on by the collectors and whose works can advertise for astonishing amounts of money.

Of course, the key to acceptable one of the few is art shows. Although few art arcade shows are absolutely lucrative, it is amazing how bound the fizz can advance if you get the eye of addition in the know. Secretly, anybody with an art appearance dreams of communicable the admiring eyes of a patron.

It is important to apprehend that there are some bodies who do absolutely able-bodied with art shows that baby to accepted tastes, but this can be a boxy life. You see, a lot goes into acclimation an art show. Each alone allotment can booty anywhere from account to hours to complete, depending on the action acclimated and the needs of the project. Add to all those hours of assignment the costs of acclimation an art show, the time it takes to arrangement with curators, art patrons, and added folks, the busline costs, and all the rest, and you accept a appealing chancy proposition. It isn't that art shows costs a lot of money for artists – they don't. It is aloof that they represent a amazing bulk of work, so it is important to aerate on that work.

A lot of bodies accomplish the aberration of bold that the best artists get the best art shows. This is not absolutely how it works. As a amount of fact, art shows accept a lot to do with networking. Like any added breadth of animal endeavor, it is all about the access you make. As an artist, booty the time to go about to altered galleries, celebratory which ones display art in a agnate attitude to your own. Talk to those galleries patrons, and don't be abashed to ask if they would accede acclimation an art appearance for you. Remember, it never hurts to ask.

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